LEGO is giving MRI scanner sets to hospitals to help comfort nervous kids
The company will send custom MRI Scanner LEGO sets to hospitals so kids can learn all about them before undergoing their own MRI.

If you’ve ever undergone an MRI, you know it can be a claustrophobic, nerve-wracking experience for adults and especially for kids. With that in mind, LEGO is sending custom LEGO MRI sets to hospitals so kids can learn all about them before undergoing their own MRI experience.
The idea originated with LEGO employee Erik Ullerlund Staehr, who had the idea to build a LEGO MRI model that could help medical staff prepare kids for treatment.
“This would reduce their anxiety and make their experience more playful and less scary,” LEGO said in a statement. “The MRI model is now being built by employees across the world to distribute to their local hospitals.”
Toymaker Fraser Lovett shared his experience building the set on Twitter:
The set comes with three characters: a doctor, an MRI tech and a child who is preparing to be scanned. Kids can even open the scanner to see what is inside, in hopes it will help them better understand how the whole procedure works.
The response to the MRI sets has been strong on social media—parents and healthcare providers have expressed interest in acquiring their own sets. Many people have also asked about future healthcare-related projects for sick children.
For information on how healthcare facilities can get their own LEGO MRI set or for updates on the program, follow the LEGO Foundation on Twitter.
If you’re looking for your own LEGO hospital set (including an MRI scan room) for your kids to play with at home, you’re in luck.