Pregnant Amy Schumer cancels tour due to hyperemesis 😢
HG is debilitating.

Instagram/Amy Schumer
Any Schumer has not had an easy pregnancy. She intended to keep working, but if you follow her on social media you know she’s been very sick through each trimester.
And now in her final trimester she’s had to cancel her tour due to hyperemesis gravidarum, also known as HG. It’s a rare but very serious form of extreme morning sickness, and on Friday evening Schumer announced she is canceling the rest of her tour because of it.
“I vomit every time [I] ride in a car even for 5 minutes,” Schumer explained in an Instagram post.
Due to the constant vomiting she’s not cleared to fly and just can’t continue to the tour.
This is not the first time Schumer has had to make an announcement about HG. Back in November, just weeks after announcing her pregnancy, she had to cancel shows and again broke the news via Instagram.
She posted a photo of herself in a hospital bed with her little dog Tati, and spelled out the details of her health issues in the caption. “I have hyperemesis and it blows,” Schumer wrote.
Poor Amy. Hyperemesis gravidarum is really tough.
Kate Middleton , Ayesha Curry and Motherly co-founder Elizabeth Tenety are among those who, like Schumer, have suffered from this form of severe morning sickness that can be totally debilitating.
As she previously wrote for Motherly, Tenety remembers becoming desperately ill, being confined to her apartment (mostly her bed) and never being far from a trash can, “I lost 10% of my body weight. I became severely dehydrated. I couldn’t work. I couldn’t even get out of bed. I could barely talk on the phone to tell my doctor how sick I was—begging them to please give me something, anything —to help.”
Thankfully, she found relief through a prescription for Zofran, an anti-nausea drug.
Schumer probably knows all about that drug. It looks she is getting the medical help she obviously needs, and she was totally right to cancel the tour in order to stay as healthy as possible.
We’re glad to see Schumer is getting help, and totally understand why she would have to cancel her shows. Any mama who has been through HG will tell you, that wouldn’t be a show you’d want front row seats for anyway.
Get well soon, Amy!
[A version of this post was published November 15, 2018. It has been updated.]