20 unique name ideas for your November baby
Sweet inspiration for your darling late fall baby

For many of us, November is a month to focus on giving thanks for our blessings—and if you’re expecting a baby in November, that’s the biggest blessing of all. Finding out you’re expecting a November baby can come with a lot of emotions: How will you handle the hustle and bustle of the holidays while awaiting the arrival of your newborn? What if they are born on Thanksgiving?
Choosing a name for your little one is a big deal. Looking at unique names inspired by their birth month or birth flower can be a great way to gather ideas. November names range from gemstone names to famous actors born in the month of November. Check out these November baby names for your little bundle of joy.
20 November baby names for your sweet autumn baby
Girl names for November babies
1. Citrine: The name of November’s birthstone also doubles as a beautiful moniker for a baby girl. Citrine is a type of quartz and the name is of French origin.
2. Maize: Maize is another word for corn, which is a Thanksgiving food staple. The adorable name, which has both Scottish and English origin, also means “child of light.” (Hint: You can always pronounce the name May-zee)
3. Autumn: Autumn is a classic name that speaks for itself, with the meaning being “fall season.”
4. Josepha: Sarah Josepha Hale has long been referred to as the “godmother” of Thanksgiving. Hale, who is also the author of “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” spent years campaigning to make Thanksgiving a holiday, so why not show her some thanks by naming your little girl after her? Joey, normally short for Josephine, makes for an awfully cute nickname.
5. Macy: If you’re a fan of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, this name needs no explanation.
6. Ruby: One of the best parts of having a November baby is the beauty that can be seen all around you during the late fall month. With many trees adorned in dark red leaves, the name Ruby is a beautiful way to honor the changing of seasons.
7. Demeter: Demeter is known as being the Greek goddess of harvest, grain, and fertility. While the full name is rare, the nickname Demi was popularized by actress Demi Moore and singer Demi Lovato.
8. Graziella: Graziella is a Spanish and Italian name meaning grace, which seems to fit the spirit of the season perfectly. Yet another rare name, it can easily be shortened to the very popular Ella.
9. Marie: November is the birth month of the awe-inspiring Marie Curie. Curie, a Nobel Prize award winning physicist and chemist, is most well-known for her discovering radium and polonium, and her major contributions to cancer treatments. She was born on November 7, 1867.
10. Miley: If you’re looking for a more modern name, Miley is a great option for November: pop star Miley Cyrus was born on November 23.
Boy names for November babies
11. Leonardo: The names Leonardo and Leo are growing in popularity. If you’ve been considering this name for your little boy, Leonardo DiCaprio celebrates his birthday on November 11, making this month perfect for a little Leo.
12. Elias: Elias Boudinot, a New Jersey Congressman and one of America’s Founding Fathers, proposed in September 1789 that Congress “recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the many signal favors of Almighty God.” It was thanks to him that weeks later President George Washington issued a proclamation stating that Thanksgiving Day be observed.
13. George: If you’re looking for a more traditional name but still want to show thanks to one of the people responsible for helping create the Thanksgiving holiday, the name George after George Washington is a great choice.
14. Penn: Actor Penn Badgley was born on November 1, giving you all the more reason to give your little one a unique name like Penn.
15. Charles: Charles, or Charlie for short, is one of the most beloved names in America. Since November is the birth month of Peanuts creator Charles Schulz, naming a baby boy Charles is a fitting tribute.
16. Alden: John Alden was a crew member on the Mayflower during the historic 1620 voyage that brought English settlers to present-day Massachusetts. Alden’s main responsibility was to maintain the Mayflower’s barrels, and his last name makes for a very unique and handsome moniker.
17. Tom: The name Tom has been popular for decades, but did you know it’s also what a male turkey is called? If your baby boy is born around Thanksgiving, Tom is a perfect choice.
18. Archer: If you give birth to a Sagittarius, a baby born between November 22 and December 21, Archer is a great choice. The name Archer means “bowman,” and it is the symbol for Sagittarius.
19. Hunter: The name Hunter, which means exactly what it sounds like, is fitting for the Thanksgiving holiday as well as the zodiac month of the archer Sagittarius.
20. Ryan: If “The Notebook” was a life-changing movie for you—or you’re just simply a fan of Ryan Gosling’s work—Ryan is a perfect November baby name: The actor was born on November 11.
Gender-neutral names for November babies
From the list above, Ryan, Archer, Alden, Charlie, Joey and Macy are strong name choices for babies born in November.
A version of this article was posted in November 2020. It has been updated.