These triplets have a remarkable bond―they’re all pregnant at the same time!
As soon as two of the sisters found out they were pregnant, they encouraged their other sister to join them.

There’s a set of sisters in California who are experiencing something pretty remarkable right now. Gina, Nina and Victoria, 35, are triplets living in Orange County, California. While that’s pretty fascinating on its own, the trio have an even more unique bond at the moment―they’re all pregnant at the same time. I’ve heard of close families, but this one definitely takes the cake.
Nina and Victoria are expecting boys and Gina, a girl. The sisters and are set to give birth within four months of each other, in late summer and fall of this year.
Another example of their close bond? Once Victoria and Nina found out they were expecting, they encouraged Gina to join them as they embarked on this motherhood journey. Victoria’s baby is set to come first, with a due date in 2.5 weeks.
In an interview with CBS Los Angeles, Victoria said, “Once we found out that Nina was pregnant, we encouraged Gina.”
The sisters, now 35, are expected to give birth in July, August and November. The built-in best friends are now making memories in matching outfits and sharing maternity clothes. They’ve all been able to share maternity clothes, will deliver their babies at the same hospital, and I have no doubt will be sharing baby clothes as well.
The Tran triplets are an example of the COVID pandemic baby boom that researchers have been predicting since the beginning of the pandemic.
“Birth rates declined early on in the pandemic, but we expect a dramatic rebound soon,” said lead author Molly Stout, M.D., MSci, maternal fetal medicine director at Michigan Medicine Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital. “We’re already seeing signs of a summer baby surge.”
Congratulations, mamas! You can hear more of the Tran sisters’ story during their interview with CBS Los Angeles here:
Triplets celebrate simultaneous pregnancies