This couple welcomed 2 babies 4 days apart as both moms gave birth
"It's so amazing to be home as a family."

Taryn Cumming
Taryn Cumming and her fiancée Kat Buchanan are going viral this week because their birth story is amazing.
You might know them from Instagram or YouTube, but if you don’t here is the short version: Cumming and Buchanan both gave birth last month, just four days apart.
The New Zealand couple had been told their chances of conceiving were low to begin with, due to low ovarian reserves but they each conceived, totally beating the odds.
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Now, the moms and their babies, son Ryan and daughter Piper are at home as a family of four after Ryan arrived early and required a stay in the NICU.
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As Buchanan explained in an Instagram post: “After 16 days Ryan has been discharged and we are home! It’s so amazing to be home as a family and finally we can move forward from this nightmare. Ryan has fought so so hard and gone from strength to strength. We still have a long road ahead of doctor appointments and specialist reviews up until he is tw[o] years old but we can finally be a family. Now the tough work begins.”
We’re so happy to see this beautiful family at home together in time for the new year.