10-month-old baby milestones
Your busy babe is on the move, which means you're likely baby-proofing everything in sight.

Your 10-month-old baby’s personality is revealing itself more every day—which can be both wondrous and challenging. Sometimes even in the same moment! But, remember, your 10-month-old isn’t a little adult. They are in a very unique stage of development that involves not only learning about the world, but also figuring out how to cope with their big feelings.
Looking ahead, your curious baby is going to find new ways to interact with their environment—especially now that they are on the move. By keeping track of what milestones your baby is working on achieving, you can support their development and consult with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.
Related: 9 phrases that help little kids with big emotions
10-month milestones at a glance
Your busy babe is on the move—whether that’s by crawling, pulling up to stand, cruising along furniture, taking their first tentative steps—or all of the above. That means you’re likely busy baby-proofing everything in sight… and chasing after them. Take steps to secure toilet seats, batteries, medications, too-small toys and objects and anything else they can get into that may not be safe. They’re still in the stage of “tasting” everything around them, so be mindful!
But it’s also a time of fun exploration. Try out new art supplies, keep tasting new foods and going on fun new adventures. Aquarium, anyone?
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An in-depth look at 10-month milestones
Read on to find out what you need to know about 10-month-old baby development this month to best support your little love’s growth.
10-month developmental milestones
Here’s what The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Mayo Clinic says about 10-month-old baby milestones.
(Editor’s note: The 10-month milestone guidelines were written to reflect the behaviors that 50% or more of children exhibit at a certain age. Note that milestones are not a perfect metric: It’s key to speak to your pediatrician if you have concerns about your unique child.)
- Your baby is developing a sense of what’s right and wrong especially now that they likely understand what “no” means. Help create limits and praise them when they are engaging in behavior you want to encourage.
- Your baby learns a lot from books—including the ones you read over and over. At this stage, they might really enjoy flap books with hidden pictures, which they find especially engaging, thanks to a better understanding of object permanence.
Motor skills
- At 10 months, your baby should be able to feed themselves by grasping a piece of food between their thumb and forefinger.
- Your baby may be working on pre-walking skills, such as pulling up to stand and “cruising” by walking while holding onto the side of furniture. Note that the AAP discourages the use of baby walkers due to safety concerns.
- Even if walking isn’t yet on the radar, your baby should be able to move about the room and pull themselves into standing position. Consult with their doctor if they can’t support their weight or seem to favor one side of their body.
Social and emotional
- Your 10-month-old baby is getting quite good at communicating their needs through a combination of sounds and gestures. Pointing is their way of sharing observations with you.
- Separation anxiety often peaks between the ages of 10 and 18 months. Take care to give your baby some extra time to adjust to new places and use your words to reassure them you will return.
Related: How to turn these negative parenting phrases positive
Baby’s sleep at 10 months
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, babies under 1 should get 12 to 16 hours of sleep per 24 hours, which means yes, even though your little one is approaching their first birthday, they still need plenty of snooze sessions.
What baby sleep looks like at 10 months:
- Your baby may be taking 2 naps per day
- Your baby may no longer be waking at night
- Your baby may be awake for 2.5 to 3.5 hours at a time
Your baby’s wake windows are stretching even longer. It’s key to think about wake windows strategically during this stage. Ideally, the wake times during the earlier parts of the day will be shorter, while the last wake window of the day—that occurs right before bedtime—will be the longest, at 3.5 hours. This helps promote a regular sleep pattern and sets your baby up to sleep for a longer stretch at night. And if you haven’t tried sleep training yet and are open to the idea, now might be a good time.
Read more: How much sleep does a 10-month-old baby need?
Feeding a 10-month-old
That burgeoning sense of exploration might be making feedings difficult right now. Your baby might be distracted while breastfeeding or taking a bottle more than usual—it’s hard to focus when there’s so much fun stuff to see and touch! When possible, try to limit the stimulation around you while feeding your baby. Although solids are becoming a bigger part of their diet, the nutrition they get from breast milk or formula is still essential to their growth and development at this stage.
Related: AAP recommends extended breastfeeding for at least two years—here’s how to make that happen
The AAP and La Leche League (LLL) recommend the following feeding timeline and amounts for 10-month-olds:
- Solids: Offered two times per day or at family mealtimes
- Breast milk: Up to eight ounces every four to five hours
- Formula: Seven to eight ounces every five to six hours
Your 10-month-old should be no stranger to solids. Here are the recommended serving sizes for an 10-month-old baby:
- Infant cereal (single grain) mixed with breast milk or formula: five to eight tablespoons (optional)
- Fruits: two to four tablespoons
- Vegetables: two to four tablespoons
- Shredded meats, eggs, yogurt and soft-cooked plant-based proteins, such as lentils: two to three tablespoons
- Starches: ¼ to ½ cup simple carbs, such as pasta, mashed potatoes, bread
Read more: 10-month-old baby feeding schedule & expert advice
Activities for 10-month-olds
Kitchen play: Looking for a way to keep baby busy while you cook? Line up a few pots and pans and wooden spoons for them to bang around on, as well as a few toys to place in the bowls and stir around.
Nature walk: Your curious babe is eager to learn more about their world—both inside and outside. Pop on the baby carrier or strap them into their stroller or wagon for a nature stroll, pointing out the sounds you hear, the sights you see, the scents you smell, and all the colors and textures.
Floor drawing: Tape butcher paper or newspaper to your kitchen floor, then let your little one crawl around with a crayon and scribble on it. They will, of course, try to eat the crayon. Just take it from their mouth gently and show them how to color.
Supporting your 10-month-old baby’s development
Ready to make the most of those wake windows? These 10-month-old baby activities can support your cutie’s development.
- Help your 10-month-old baby feel confident about how they are communicating by talking back with them when they babble. Even if you can’t make out what they mean, they will be delighted to have your interest and will learn more about conversation.
- Play with your 10-month-old baby by hiding an object under a set of cups and then having them guess where it is. There is no wrong answers when you are learning!
- Encourage your 10-month-old baby’s communication skills with movement words, such as “wave hello!” By linking the action with the word, your baby can catch on pretty fast.
It’s science: Routines can improve your family’s happiness
With an on-the-go 10-month-old, your already busy life can seem even busier. If it’s starting to feel like too much, take a tip from experts and create some routines. It’s good for your whole family, too! Studies have found that routines can promote children’s language acquisition, academic skills, social skills and emotional bonds with their parents. And right now is an ideal time to start.
Related: Montessori at home: Why toddlers crave routines
A note from Motherly: 10-month milestones
It probably feels like yesterday and so long ago since you first held your baby in your arms. Looking at them now—curious, cute and constantly moving—it’s exciting to think about all that is yet to come. As you look ahead, keep your baby’s milestones in mind. If you have questions or concerns, bring them up with your child’s doctor. Early intervention leads to the best outcomes.
Looking ahead: 11-month-old baby milestones
A version of this story was originally published on Oct. 17, 2021. It has been updated.